Is it allowed to post gastropods observed by someone else?

I don’t get your post, collectors are who gathered objects, or who bought them? It’s not that hard to proove someone was in another country I believe.
Natural way is not a mail way, no matter how you consider humans, there’s a difference between a wasp that can go for kilometers and a human that posts you something from another part of the globe, not even walks to you with that. I don’t care what we consider nature, all I know such movemets are what makes the object casual if you haven’t seen it where it was collected, as it’s right what is in the definition of an observation. I believe if the one who collected the stuff had go pro with online translation it would make more sense to say you saw it too.

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And what about herbarium specimen ? Are they allowed or not ? I think it should be very useful to post them also…

If it’s a big herbarium collection it’s better to make a separate account for an author and post them. Date and place should be of the collection of a specimen.

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