This; so much this. I think nonbinary-naturalist said it too. The reason we are still here, still trying, is because of the glimmers of hope and believing still - after all this - in goodness of people especially when they listen, learn, and then do better. And that process is never easy, for anyone.
(Like, heck, i was raised super conservative christian, racist undertones, hatred of lgbtq folk outright, 7-day-creationist even! - to hitting uni and meeting friends and learning who they were and learning…oh…these people are not helldemons…wtf? And then learning about myself as well…so I get it xD I’ve worked through a TON of these things and feelings and I’m a better person for it, and I’m still learning. It does get easier, especially when you learn to view it as improvement of self, which is really, all it is, and stop feeling like ya have to defend yourself. People f**k up, it’s life, listen to who you hurt, learn better, do better, move on. No shame, only growth)