Log computer vision taxon guesses

i’m fairly certain the suggestions are not being recorded by the system. however, there has been at least one effort by a community member to capture the top suggestion (without scores) for not-yet-identified observations: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/unknown-family-projects/38693. (it’s not an approach i personally recommend, but some folks appreciate it and i don’t think the iNat staff have officially discouraged it either.) and it is possible to adapt that general approach to capture the full set of scores for each observation in a given set of observations, if you’re really interested (although, again, it’s not something that i would necessarily recommend doing, and it wouldn’t capture the exact situation at the time of a particular CV-assisted ID).

it’s also worth noting that computer vision suggestions will vary not just based on the version of the model, but also on:

  • the exact image being evaluated (which could vary slightly between an unresized image to be uploaded and a resized image that has been uploaded, or could have changed because the images or the order of the images in the observations has changed)
  • (if the “nearby” option is invoked) the location of the observation (or lack of a location) at the time the CV is pinged, along with the existing observations in the iNat database at the time
  • (if the “nearby” option is invoked) the observation datetime (or lack of an observation datetime) at the time the CV is pinged, along with the existing observations in the iNat database at the time
  • the “iconic taxon” of the observation, based on the identifications that have been made at t he time the CV is pinged

so you can see it’s hard, if not impossible, to really track all the variables that would affect the suggestions that come out of the CV.