As long as I can remember, I’ve had a fear of bears. I don’t like seeing pictures of them, I don’t like thinking about them, I never wanted a stuffed bear as a child (despite having stuffed animals of virtually every other species in existence, including kangaroos and narwhales). I had nightmares about bears as a kid constantly.
We had them come around our property now and then, but they always ran off when approached and never seemed threatening - so one day I mentioned to my mother how strange it was that I should be so scared of them. She gave me a funny look and said, “What, you don’t remember?”
Apparently when I was about 2, and my family lived in a bus in the woods, a bear came into the yard and was trying to break into our outdoor pantry, so my mom went running outside with a broom to chase it off, as was her habit. But this bear … didn’t run. Instead, it decided to chase BACK. She barely made it back into the bus in time, and then we all sat inside while a big-ass bear rocked the bus back and forth as it tried to rip through the metal siding panels. Eventually it got bored and gave up.
I have zero memory of this, but it apparently left a big impression on my subconscious, because I still hate them.
Another time, I got stalked by a mountain lion when I was walking home from school as a kid. I had about a mile of forested dirt road to traverse, and I kept glimpsing movement on the hill above me, keeping pace with me as I walked. It seemed to be trying to match its footsteps to mine so I wouldn’t hear the crunches in the leaves. Never got a proper look at it, but we found the tracks later.
More recently, my mom and I were hiking and accidentally got in between two groups of feral pigs that were in the brush on both sides of our trail, and were charged and briefly chased by a group of about 20 of them. Fortunately they dropped the pursuit as soon as we weren’t between them and the other pigs any more.
One time I came within a couple inches of stepping on an enormous rattlesnake, and had to hold perfectly still and pray it would just crawl off without biting me (it eventually did, but it was a tense couple of minutes).