Naturalists ruin everything - what have you ruined for your friends?

And the list could go on, variation after variation of the same story. I want to bring things like this up when someone talkes about “Intelligent Design.” I want to ask them why the Intelligent Designer chose to use one and the same hormone for both aggression and sexuality. How much suffering (human and otherwise) could have been prevented by making those two behaviors biochemically distinct?


ok thats not as bad as i was expecting lol

Just install Bypass Paywalls.

Dolphins. No need to elaborate further. If you know, you know.


Tell me whats bad about dolphins. I feel like this is something I should know about…

Dolphins are absolute menaces. They rape under aged dolphins, cause pregnant dolphins to abort the baby so they can impregnate it themselves. Their racist to other dolphins with different markings and bully fish to the point of death. Flipper don’t look too friendly now :sob:


Oh, that is bad.

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True. I’ve been spoiling so many animation movies because of my comments about anatomy and behaviors.

  • The word chain game played with names;
  • Picnics (with ticks, spiders, earwigs and others) - Some of my friends never had a picnic after I told them about the 7 species of ticks in Romania (they asked me to tell them that);

It’s so unfair that we stereotype sharks the way we do, yet love dolphins, when you consider the behaviours of both.
And only one group has the capability to be a moral agent.


The pet trade for clownfish skyrocketed after this movie was released. I guess nobody really got the message that the people making the film wanted to get across (Nemo is caught from the ocean and separated from his father to be a pet).


Unfortunately, people learn this and then go, “I guess The Cove isn’t so bad,” because they think animals should be punished for not acting like model human citizens.


I completely agree. I’ve swam and hung out with sharks and I can confirm, they have a bad reputation. Their honesty pretty cautious

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They seldom do. Human acquisitiveness tends to override other messaging.


The penis or the forceful mating? Or both?

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Adjcaent to the 1st point, check out Drosophila bifurca.

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More about koalas
In some parts of Australia they are in major trouble - habitat loss, dogs, etc etc. If I lived in northern NSW or Qld I’d be very worried. But I don’t, I live in SA. I’m so angry that no body seems to know or acknowledge that in my part of Australia they are an invasive species, doing terrible damage to native bush. And the ironic icing on the cake, the forestry industry likes to chop down native forest and plant invasive Tassie gum trees, ‘to help save the koala’.

I did.

“Males of this species are known to have the longest sperm cells on Earth — 5.8 cm (just over 2”) long when uncoiled, which is over 20 times the body length of the male."

While reading about this, I learned that fruit fly reproductive biology is pretty interesting: it includes polyandry, cryptic female choice (internally choosing which sperm they want), gynogenesis (friend-zoning sperm), etc.


Cats. I go on a rant every time i see feral cats mention and how bad they are for the environment


If you like to ruin things, then you can walk around any park on a summer’s day and pedantically explain that trees don’t exist.

Tell everybody that a tree is a growth form found in many botanical families.

Tell them that, if they think that they’re enjoying the “trees”, they’re just revealing how stupid they are.

That will ruin everything for everyone — including you!


I’d love to see someone do this! It may ruin everyone else’s day, but I’d find it hilarious.