'Needs ID' pile, and identifications

i don’t think normal folks have access to get that level of information effectively. via /v1/observations in the API, we have the ability to use an identified=true or =false parameter, which can help distinguish between observations with 0 identifications and with >0 identifications. theoretically, you could use some combination of identifications=some_agree, =most_agree, and =most_disagree to further separate observations with >1 identifications.

if you just want to get a rough idea of percents in each of your categories, /v1/observations does provide an identification count per observation, and you can do a random sample of observations.

here’s the distribution for a random sample of n=2000 that i just pulled:

# of ids # of obs % of total
0 49 2.5%
1 554 27.7%
2 872 43.6%
3 350 17.5%
4 113 5.7%
5 37 1.9%
6 20 1.0%
7 4 0.2%
8 1 0.1%
total 2000 100.0%

just to see if the above numbers are reasonable, here are the actual counts for identified=true and =false:

identified # of obs % of total
false 3,285,772 2.6%
true 125,247,127 97.4%
total 128,532,899 100.0%

identifications=false at 2.6% roughly matches 0 identifications at 2.5% percent. so that seems to indicate that the figures in the first table should be reasonable.

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