Observations that schmeck: comfort observations to survive the winter

That’s an amazing-looking mushroom, yellow is perfect!

“Hail to thee blythe spirit!”

And while we’re hailing, here’s to the Canadian green (and okay, reddish) plants of… January?

Wait. Let me check the calendar again.

BONUS: all of these were lifers!


My bird feeder is helping me get through the winter. After 4 years in California, North Carolina seems reaaallllllly cold! I don’t want to go out as much. By keeping the feeder stocked, I can enjoy birds without going outside.

Carolina Chickadees, Tufted Titmice, a female Cardinal (I have seen the male hanging around in the bushes nearby, but he doesn’t seem to come to the balcony, and starting just a couple days ago, a male House Finch. I may try to get more pictures, but for now, the only one I have photographed is this Yellow-rumped Warbler.


It’s sunny and warm in Albuquerque. At this rate, I expect winter to return mid-March, right as Apricots are blooming … meantime enjoy this milkweed bug from today while I worked in the yard.


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