Opting out of community taxon

Yes, that’s my experience as well. I just saw another one today - a user with >1,000 observations, active recently, and opted-out across the board, including of observations with only a placeholder (e.g., “Dicots”). People have added various IDs and comments over the years, and they are essentially wasted because of the failure of the observer to participate in the community. I assume they are using the app and it’s difficult to keep up with notifications, but if observers aren’t going to check their notifications they should only opt-out when they’ve identified something to genus or lower. In the current system there is no way to do that - it’s either opt-out globally, or one observation at a time.


Out of interest, is it possible to change the global opt-out setting in the Android app? As far as I can see, it is not possible to do so in the iPhone app.

There was a thread about that: To what extent do you attend to observations after uploading them to iNaturalist? - General - iNaturalist Community Forum

Some people admitted that they don’t go back to their old observations at all.

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