Poll: is handling herps for iNat ethical?

Just out of curiosity, did you get the idea for this feed from my own this morning in which I made the comment:

Personally, I do not see the harm in catching snakes or lizards. I mean, my dad has been a herp for almost 50+ years now and I’m sure if he had a problem with it, or have seen problems regarding it, he would know. I believe the biggest issue regarding holding herps is legality. As mentioned in the quote above, Oregon has many laws that won’t even allow me to hold herps and if I’m caught, I can get quite a hefty fine. I think the reason those laws are in place is not because it’s bad to hold them is because I know a lot of people who would much rather catch and keep a bullsnake in their backyard instead of spending $200 on python or boa in the pet store.