Prefix matches on "snow" better match than the AOU code SNOW for Snowy Owl?

As described in , we cannot guarantee that the matched_term will be the term you’re expecting. We just know that it will be a match, and that it will be the “best” match according to Elasticsearch (see for more information). In this case Elasticsearch thinks “Snowy owl” is the best match and so that’s what we return. I could speculate why it thinks that’s the best term, but perhaps the issue is best taken up with Elastic.

It is not a feature of taxa searches that exact matches on AOU codes will return those results first, so I wouldn’t give your users that expectation. All searches use the same weighted scoring/sorting of results.

I don’t consider this a bug because we don’t set expectations that matched_term is the closest one to your search term (note we don’t call it best match which is a term you used). But at the same time we do request the best matched term, and that is what we’re returning.