I primarily identify certain types of spider in the US.
I bookmark specific searches to come back to for my routine identifying. The base identify interface allow for some options to narrow down which observations appear, but a wider variety of options are available via manually editing the URL for the identify interface - see https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/how-to-use-inaturalists-search-urls-wiki-part-1-of-2/63 However, in my experience I think too many terms on the search URL causes it to miss observations, as sometimes I see new observations pop up on the identify page that, based on the upload and ID times, should have been visible during one of my previous visits to that URL.
As for what taxonomic levels comprise my routine checks, it could be anywhere from superfamily to species (depending on how well I know that group of spiders), and the territory I check is usually US-wide (sometimes stretching into Canada if I know the identification specifics for that taxon in Canada).
EDIT: And I generally sort by date added, most recent first.