It’s interesting that when a plant is proven a hybrid through DNA testing, the “×” is added between the genus and “species” name. Perhaps this can open up a new choice in deciding F2 and F3 hybrids in the animal kingdom. Because surely one would live knowing it as…
Aspidoscelis velox – Plateau Striped Whiptail
So by following the plant guidelines, it would be logical to rename the species as…
Aspidoscelis × velox
Instead of the suggestion I had to name F2/F3 hybrids.
Aspidoscelis [burti × inornata] × burti
Should that be the case for all F2/F3 hybrids? Probably not, depends on if the hybrid is described as species originally or not. And for those interested in the topic of Aspidoscelis, here’s a 200 page paper on the hybrids and genus.
I also thought I’d add the topic in which I learned about plant hybrid rules.