Several external tools for iNat data by @kildor

i’m happy to see that there are folks doing interesting things with the API.

there’s one thought i had related to:

this tool seems to be comparing sets of observations. if you’re trying to monitor identifications, you may want to look at identifications instead of observations, since identifications may come long after observations are observed or submitted.

iNaturalist has a /identifications/recent_taxa API endpoint (which corresponds with the Discoveries section in the Taxon page) that may help you to see this – though its response is a little cluttered, it doesn’t offer multiple multiple language options, and has a few other issues.

here’s an example of a request URL for the endpoint:,research&rank=species&category=improving,leading&per_page=200

and here’s a page that puts the response in a more human-friendly format:,research&rank=species&category=improving,leading&per_page=200

some related discussion: How to find out-of-range observations - wiki - Tutorials - iNaturalist Community Forum