I gather the various ‘tips and tricks’ and resources that come up and save them to my profile. Here’s a copy. Some are individual things (eg. variations on the heatmap view) others are links to pages where a whole bunch of things are listed (eg. the extended search URLs).
Some iNat resources:
Heatmap for projects - replace with relevant project name
Heatmap for taxon - replace taxon_id= with appropriate taxon id number
Advanced URL options made easier - GitHub link in the description
Different species ranges in different colors - replace the taxa ID with relevant ones
Unobserved species by observer in a taxa in a place
Variables: Life List, Taxon_id, Place_id, View=Unobserved -
Observation Comparison Tool - experimental, may disappear without warning
Species ranked by number observed, least to greatest - note replace ‘project_id=’ with ‘place-id=’ and the place number for places. Other API modifications are also possible.
List of unknown observations that need basic identification