I have no idea if this is the right place to comment, but if it is not just remove this reply…but i am always surprised they (in general) never give a warning that the chosen species is not found in this country, has not been found last 10 years in the state or that it is from another continent.
I know the ObsMap app give a Fat red text if the species is rare and if it is very rare you have to confirm it by pressing an additional YES. The last option reduced the rare birdinds with 90% which was important as sms and email notifications are send on (mainly) rare bird alerts.
I was very happy that the inaturlist app show a very basic “the species is seen nearby” which, in my option, should be extend to warnigns like ‘not from this continent’,
I have no idea how difficult it is but i used to have a database with plant names (from 30years ago) and the present in the different European states. I am only afraid that for several species the data is out dated.
But a bold red text (can colour blind man see red?) will prevent some wrong admissions.