Specimen uploading strategy

This is why iNaturalist is less balanced than eBird for species abundance/occupancy information. We have a tendency to only persue, photograph, and share images of “rarer” species. I know that I like to prioritize “good images” (good lighting, not too far from me, etc.) as well as more “interesting” species (to me). By far, not everyone focuses solely on “rarer” species, but that’s definitely the focus in many Facebook groups I’m on where photographers post images of wildlife they’ve seen.

I still prioritize “good images,” but I’m also trying to get more images of more common organisms. I took a look at my local “Missing Species” list and realized that Carolina wrens, northern cardinals, and white-throated sparrows, ALL species that visit my birdfeeder daily, haven’t been recorded in a 1-km radius of my house! So the next time I’m looking at my feeders in good light, I’ll be taking images of every individual for iNaturalist and recording a checklist for eBird.