Staying Optimistic

I do think it’s important to realize the damage colonial powers have done to indigenous populations and to realize that we developed countries are continuing to do damage. We need to understand that we’d probably have participated in various oppressive actions (including slave-owning) if we’d lived in societies where these were considered normal, so that we can stop ourselves from doing similar things now.

However, wallowing in guilt about these things doesn’t help anybody. In fact, it can paralyze us when we need to move forward. So look forward. We can reduce our ecological footprint. We can provide some help to others. We can teach. We can help build a big database for researchers and help make others more aware of the natural world around us. Lets go do those things.


We do what we can, because we must.
In the doom and gloom, there are lights shining, and that is where I look.
Out of darkest Africa my lights on iNat


That’s a very impressive map! Do I understand it correctly, that it shows where you have contributed IDs? When I substitute my user name for yours, eastern North America lights up, which makes sense because that’s where I’m based, but I’m not sure about, for example, the #4 after the user name.

ETA: Oh, wait, I think I figured it out - the # numeral is the zoom level and the final numbers are the lat/long for the center of the visible screen, yes?

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