Taxon Photos of Difficult to ID Species - full shots, or close-ups of specific features?

I think it would be a cool feature to have a dedicated section for this on the species page for this reason. Perhaps a “Species Journal” or “Species Wiki” specifically for identification.
I don’t think it is feasible to convey all that data in taxon photos for every species.
(I view the chances of me propping up a ruler next to a live bird, setting up studio lights calibrated to an exact temperature, blocking out enough environmental light, and then taking a bunch of photos from every side, all without it flying away as pretty minimal)

In a wiki you could even write “Species x can only be distinguished from species y through a small difference in height and colour”.
It will not do much to prevent misidentifications, but it might significantly increase the number of identifiers. And that in turn world solve the misidentification problem because there are more IDers to check and correct.

TL;DR: I think CV-based misidentifications aren’t actually the problem, so taxon images shouldn’t need to account for them. Having too few IDers is. And solving that requires better infrastructure for IDers (most notably: better ways to find and share identification information and resources). (This feature request covers a lot of this and more in full detail)

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