The "Nope" Response on Social Media

Well, happy to report that my spider fears are seriously diminishing with increased exposure and excellent iNat community encouragement (errrr…tolerance?) by folks like @JeremyHussell who consistently corrects, adds IDs, and muddles through my poor photos. However, now I’m kind of really friends with some spiders. Salticids are my buds and crabs and orbs are the other gateway spider families that hold fascination for me. I’m noticing that with all organisms, my interest in behaviors pushes me to spend a lot of time with individuals and thus lessens my fears gradually over time and produces some very limited, but nonetheless functional, field knowledge.

I love the video! I have wanted to make similar videos (probably with me dressed as a spider or something equally less sophisticated) but I have abysmal tech skills and little patience when it comes to learning such things (just ask the fellow mods here!). It’s relevant, though a little self-indulgent but I’ll reopen this topic if you want to add something there as well.