The role of CV in the new app

I tried making a mock-up of an identify-menu that I’d prefer. I think, just moving the taxon-search bar to the main page, instead of hiding it behind the loupe icon would mostly solve this issue:

Also, instead of the loupe icon, which would now be superfluous, I’ve added a question mark (like in the new audio-recording menu) to the top right corner. Perhaps this could open a popup with tips on how to identify. Inspired by the audio-recording help, it could maybe say something like this (very rough draft):


Add your identification:
– use the taxon search bar to search for a taxon and add it as your ID
– you can make IDs as broad or specific as you like (e.g. “plant”, or “insect”, or
– “Columba livia var. domestica”)

Top AI suggestions:
– these are the taxa our Computer Vision thinks are the closest match
– don’t blindly trust the AI. Try to verify an AI suggestion before you agree with it

Only ID as far as you are confident:
– It is okay to make mistakes, but if you are unsure whether your gut instinct or
– the AI suggestion is correct, but you are certain that the organism belongs to
– the same group, rather add the broad ID instead of the more specific ID