Tool for making observations printer-friendly

ok. i have an early prototype of something that will pull back observations in what will hopefully be a more printer friendly format. a couple of screenshots are attached, and the code is pasted below. you can copy the code, paste it into a text editor like Notepad or an HTML editor, and save it as an .html file. then you’ll be able to open up the resulting file in any web browser. i’m going to continue to make a few improvements, but if you have any questions or feedback on this so far, let me know.

a couple of fundamental things that i’m not planning to address:

  1. the iNat API doesn’t appear to allow an authentication flow from a simple local web page like this. because of that, this will return only information that any rando would be able to see on the website without logging in. (i think it would be possible to do the authentication if i hosted this, but i’m not planning to do that.)
  2. this doesn’t support multiple languages. I’ve written it in English only.

(see newer post for code)