I would love to see a Bluethroat, a beautiful little songbird that is Palearctic and winters in Africa and the Iberian Peninsula https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/13071-Luscinia-svecica. It shows up in a few places in Alaska, including on Alaska’s North Slope where it’s sometimes seen along the Dalton Highway. I’ve heard that it has a lovely song made up of snippets of other songs, and a very flashy courtship display. But it can also be maddeningly cryptic, hiding in the brush for hours at a time. I’ve been in several locations at the right place and right time, but seen nothing. It takes about 10 hours driving to get to the right area. Maybe this is the year!
We have a couple of months in Spain coming up on a few Camino routes in Central and Northern Spain.
Otherwise it will be just the usual Top End critters and plants.
Camino Madrid:
Cinereous Vulture, Spanish Eagle, Voles, Dormouse,
Camino Salvador:
Brown bear, wolf,
Camino Primitivo:
Wolf, Desman, Carabus galicianus
As well as all the reptiles, frogs, little critters…
In the Top End:
Time to work on shorebirds. And little critters such as quolls and bandicoots.
Would also like to get an Atlas Moth.
In South Korea there are places where hundreds of Cinereous Vultures winter. I walked through one, it was amazing! (I’m not 100% sure if I was allowed to)
I saw a Bluethroat when I didn’t even know what it was.
I want to see common kingfishers, morray eels, common firecrests, bearded reedlings, and lots of other lifers I’ll know I want to see them when I look at them (in my monents of instant inspiration )
Hoping to see myself some glossy black cockatoos or gang gang cockatoos this year, and maybe a freckled duck and some others I’d like to see
I went to one spot where it was still growing a few years ago along Neusiedlersee, but the entire area had been converted to cow pastures with no more rare flowers (despite being designated “national park”, but that means nothing in Austria where farming is allowed inside national parks) And as a wetland plant, its possible habitat is rapidly disappearing anywhere in Europe.
I just moved back to central Europe after I have been away for the past 6 years. So this will be my first iNat year back home and I am missing almost everything as an official observation and I cannot wait to get out there and basically am free to observe whatever and will in most cases get an (officially recorded) lifer. Already added 6 this year and there are many more to come
Love that feeling, I recently moved back from North Carolina to Florida and it’s been great to get a boost in species count by recording some of my old friends lol. Out of curiosity, where in central Europe?
Germany and Austria… commuting between borders
european robin even though i doubt i will go to europe in 2025
Speckled or Black Kingsnake, Milksnake, and maybe some salamanders. A Diamondback would be cool too.
same as last year: Timber rattlesnake and prairie kingsnake. sigh
In the middle of moving so hopefully I can find some spots near-ish the new place
I will settle for any creature in Vietnam. It is the #1 out-of-the-normal place I would like to visit this year.
I would be happy to see a hoopoe. they are common in Israel but avoid the city.
I may have found one of these today!
Oviedo Fire Salamanders are on my list for our holiday in Spain this year!
Since I’ll be missing out on Steller’s Sea Eagle while in Hokkaido (I’m here right now), I hope I can see Ural Owl tomorrow at a reliable place for it.
I dipped on Ural Owl