Updates to taxon geoprivacy and conservation statuses in Canada

Hello everyone,
It’s been a bit longer time coming but we now have an updated list of species that will be automatically obscured in Canada. Remember that the global iNaturalist obscuring based on the IUCN Red List still applies. In some cases, species on that list have already been curated to be open in all or parts of Canada. We’d like to bring the two in sync but that requires manually curating each species so this will take some time.
This STPH list is still not a final list as we want to be sure to hear from everyone before we give notice of the final one. So please feel free to review a last time and provide comments or additions, should you feel the need to. We will be posting an announcement on iNaturalist.ca as well as sending an email to all users who have affiliated with iNaturalist.ca and allowing two weeks for feedback from the time of posting (so people on this forum thread have a bit more time, since the announcement isn’t up yet). You can have a look at the updated STPH list here.
After those two weeks, we will look at comments and additions then once we have a final list, I will post again in this thread, an announcement on iNat.ca and an email to inform users of the changes. It will provide three weeks for people to make changes to their observations should they feel the need, before we start to implement the updated list. It will take a week or so to finish implementing that list so it won’t happen instantaneously.
Looking forward to hearing feedback and finalizing this!
Thank you everyone for the input, very valuable critique and time.