What can iNaturalist do to better support people of color?

(please move my post to a new topics if this is off-topic)
It’s more to do with minorities than colors but there is a feature I’m wishing for:

We have the great option to choose in which language species names are displayed but it would be extra great if we could choose and display two languages for species name at the same time.
This is for example useful when you interact with:

  • indigenous people when you only speak your country official language
  • local people when you a foreign visiting scientist
  • people from different nationalities when you are observing with a group

In my case I interact in foreign countries with people who have a very precious knowledge of their local ecosystems but they don’t know English nor scientific names. When we discuss observations, they would give me the correct species name in their local language and I would react with a sorry face because I don’t know or undertand that name. Only much later I would find the species on internet or Inat, show them a picture and say "oh right, you meant the ‘insert English or Latin name!’ and it feels like their words were useless until they are translated in the dominant language.

Having this choice of two languages would not only accelerate common understanding; it would also say “this species name can be found on this American app in your language because the way you name things is useful and legitimate”.