Let me show a picture of two Pelicanry (Breeding Place of Spot-billed Pelican, IUCN Status-NT) of our country (India).
Right: Spot-billed Pelicans in their natural habitat in one place.
Left: Spot-billed Pelicans in their habitat in another place. Why the Iron Stands?
Here the Pelicans lost their natural habitat (illegal fishing tanks, different sorts of encroachment, industrial pollution and a number of other factors turning a freshwater lake into a mere drain).
After utmost efforts by few citizens, Environmentalists, NGOs and above all, the Government and the Forest Department- the same could be restored to a great extent. The Forest Department erected artificial mounds and Iron stands, in absence of trees, to provide nesting areas for the Pelicans. Here u may see that the Pelicans have accepted the Iron Stands as their breeding place happily.
All such works, wherever required for any species, need a lot of efforts, running around and activities of many people ( collection of sufficient valid documentation for taking the matter to the Hon’ble Court, counselling, facing several threats and many others), who do not just observe the Species, but also observe all the situations and surroundings related to it. Philosophy, vision, action—all are essential.
In this respect I’ll also like to request anybody, who is interested, to read the Story of Mangalajodi Wetland of Odisha, India, where the once Poachers have now become the Protectors of the Wetland and the birds. A google search will do.