What would you like to learn about getting data from the system?

@pisum @muir
I put together a couple Jupyter notebooks that create visualizations in Altair that are similar to those in muir’s blog post on 2019 Alaska observations. They’re not fully polished, but it’s a start.


Example output:

The search parameters in those examples are for Alaska, but that could be easily substituted with any other state or region (by changing PLACE_ID).

I’m interested in the stats in that blog post for the percentage of species observed on iNat relative to all known species in Alaska. I think that’s a really cool metric, but I can’t think of a good way to automate that for other regions, since the data sources listed are Alaska-specific checklists.

Do any of you know of a data source that provides region-specific species lists for multiple regions? For example, bird species in US states?