That’s why I’m saying I should have lowered the shutter speed, that pic was taken pretty much leaning on a window frame.
And yes I did shoot in RAW, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to save it by upping the exposure to actually get a pic showing the owl. Why’d you ask?
If you still have the RAW file, I would love to try running it through DxO’s Pure Raw denoiser. Just to see what it could find.
Some people think that these enhancers just create detail that isn’t really there, but there are many things that a sensor detects that are outside our sensory abilities to see. Most of it in sub-pixel patterns. The powers of computerized mathematical pattern recognition might work very well here.
If you’d trust me with a copy of that RAW file I would like to see what I could do. Message me and I’ll send you an address you could upload it to.
Unfortunately I’ve already deleted it. I would have been able to do with that :( I figured what I have uploaded was all I was going to be able to harvest from it. I’ll keep it in mind for the future however!
This also wasn’t the only Arthropod in that bathroom. When I actually sat down on the toilet (which was before I found that bug) I actually saw something that looked dead, it wasn’t, it was a moth… And it flew out.
Hey, this is a fun thread, but I did want to add a serious explanation. “Frass” refers to You need to understand the history of the site and its purpose to see the need for that category.
When the site started, back in 2004, it ran on a single server, in the founder’s basement, I think. There was a huge problem of running out of storage back then. This is less of an issue today, but it is still running on a shoestring with somewhat limited storage.
The original intent of BugGuide was to have a curated selection of images that can be used to help people with ID’s visually. It would be similar to tossing out images that were not research grade on iNaturalist once an ID suggestion was made.
The system is intended to populate guide pages with only the better images. Guide pages on BugGuide serve the purpose of inline Wikipedia articles on iNaturalist. They have their advantages for encyclopedic content, as only editors there can make changes. The software does not have wiki-like version tracking and reversion capability, which is a disadvantage over a wiki.
Other than the frass category, there is a ranking system on BugGuide, but it is a bit hidden.
Trying not to be too O/T here, but I feel some understanding is good. Again, love this thread!