I don’t know how to make it any clearer! To paraphrase myself: By reading the accounts of women who find it unpleasant or hostile to be here, and openly considering it not proof enough that iNaturalist is a place that is unpleasant or hostile towards women.
yes, I found these comments very off-putting
I did. I can remember a lot of maths stuff with my daughter very early on, and one thing that stands out, was teaching her base addition when she was 4. I was quite impressed with how quickly she picked it up (I had mainly been working with decimal and octal in examples with her), and a mate who thought maybe she had just memorised the answers tried her with some base-7 sums, and she could do them.
[but I get your point, it’s exception rather than rule]
I don’t think it’s productive of helpful for people (especially men who haven’t experienced it) to be denying the existence of systemic sexism in Western/US culture in this thread. Just because you haven’t experienced it on iNat doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen there. And if you are male you kind of can’t experience it? That’s part of the point.
Not looking to debate this either as I don’t need to be yet another man mansplaining racism. But as someone who has made the mistake of excess tone deaf posting before, i encourage all of you guys to consider whether you really need to post here and really have something valuable to add.
(and yes I just posted. Sorry.)
Thank you all for sharing your perspectives on this topic. I’m temporarily going to close this to give staff a chance to respond.