Wildlife Photo Ethics

Totally agree. I’ve read through (and started one of) the threads @bobmcd [linked above], and I honestly am baffled as to how there hasn’t been any movement on this on the part of iNaturalist!

On the one hand I have heard from them that this is not a democracy, so votes don’t count, on the other, I hear that they want to take community feedback into account. It seems a way to hedge against having to take any proactive role in at least staking out what iNaturalist stands for as an organization, if not a community.

Looking through the threads, the general pattern in each of the discussions I notice is:

  1. Someone brings up the idea of having some code or recommended best practices for iNatters
  2. Someone agrees
  3. Someone else denies that people could even potentially harm wildlife in documenting them
  4. Someone else supports or refutes #3.
  5. Rinse and repeat for a few weeks/months
  6. Nothing happens, the thread devolves into a side issue and gets shut down or closes due to lack of responses over time

How is it that a group full of people who love nature does not have a list of guidelines to follow while observing species in a responsible manner? I frankly didn’t expect this type of resistance or inertia from iNat and am actually disappointed by it.

Am I missing something here? This is not rocket science and shouldn’t even need to be a user-driven initiative!

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