I am a high schooler with a passion for gardening and nature. Starting on a trip to Florida, when I collected a few exotic seeds. I had always had a passion for nature but this was something new for me. I got a few house plants (white bird of paradise, Chinese fan palm, majesty palm, and sago “palm”) and tried my hand at growing them. After I got accustomed to growing them I tried several microclimate experiments (mostly based around using south walls). As I was doing this I accumulated 120+ tropical and subtropical fruits and spices (banana, citrus, cinnamon, and passionfruit to name a few) some from seeds others I got from various websites. That brings me to one of my favorite things, permaculture/permanent agriculture. From there the search for new ways to guild (essentially creating a edible/medicinal plant community that mimic wild communities of that area) took me to inaturalist. Some of my favorite genus include Smilax, Aphyllon, Dianthus, Phemeranthus, and the subgenus Anisophyllum.