

I am working as an EFL teacher in CP Marcos del Torniello, a nursery and primary school in Avilés, Asturias, North of Spain. I’m interested in collaborating with other schools in environment educational projects using the ICTs and the English language as a means of communication. I have very precise ideas and I already have several projects currently running (see community) in my school that I would like to share. My goals are: 1-Involve schools of different countries and environments to promote knowledge and awareness about nature and its protection. 2-Enhance environmental awareness in our students, especially in relation to the impact of plastic on the living beings that inhabit our environment and on ourselves. 3-Promote the use of English as a Foreign language (or English, first, but also others, where appropriate) through its use as a communication tool in the relationship between collaborating schools in different countries. 4-Empower and give meaning to the use of ICTs as an ideal means to seek, organize and disseminate information and to facilitate communication between the different participant schools and individuals. 5-Develop the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) competences in our schools with an emphasis on the identification and promotion of scientific vocations among boys and, especially, girls. 6-Start, to progressively develop, a catalogue of the living beings that exist in our respective environments, beginning with those living in our own schools and their surrounding areas. 7-Share and spread the information achieved through networks such as I-Naturalist, Observado, Penpal Schools and Etwinning. 8-Use the established relations to motivate the mutual knowledge and the collaborative work of our students to develop all their competences, not only the EFL competence and the environmental competence. 9-Lay the foundation for the creation among all the participating schools of a SNAP network (School Network Against Plastic). 10-Commemorate (whenever possible), as a result of our joint effort, the World Day of the Environment with simultaneous activities in our schools (science fairs or others) in which a sample of the results of the investigation in all the collaborating schools is exposed.