

A retired educator, I now live on a 20 acre bush block on South Australia’s Limestone Coast - about 20km east of Kingston SE as the Forest Raven flies. I hoping to record the flora and fauna here with scant knowledge, a camera and loads of enthusiasm. Now I also have iNat and kind people like you to assist me.
At least two-thirds of the block is uncleared. In my 2.5 acre house garden (Rabbit-proof fenced) I have planted hundreds of drought tolerant native trees, shrubs, ground-covers - mostly Western Australian varieties. Honeyeaters abound and, at last count, I was up to nearly 40 species of birds - either resident or seasonal visitors. I’m always on the lookout for native bees amongst the dominant western variety and am especially fascinated by the various species of ants here.
I have been recording species in a blog for a number of years but, with just a handful of visitors a week, it makes more sense to use iNat as it is a valuable resource for those with an interest both now and in the future.
Thank you for welcoming me to the iNat community, South Australia.