My home is an embarrassment of riches.
Not knowing quite how the CV works (can it read?) I used the squiggle function (not the official name) in my photo software to cover up the label. (My late mother, a teacher, brilliantly suggested I immediately ask each child, “Tell me about this” when a piece of art made its way home and then affix a label.)
The CV isn’t too confident but suggests this could be a member of Shipworms (Teredinidae). Yikesies. I am not very familiar with Shipworms and when I go look them up on iNaturalist this taxon photo announces it will be my new nightmare. Per the son that drew this at age 6 but quit when he grew “tired of brown”, this is actually a cart horse. (I think I know where my giraffe’s neck ended up.)
The CV is again not very sure but has lots of guesses. First and foremost is Dórido Negro (Polycera atra) which I had never heard of but was tickled to learn is a nudibranch! I have never observed one before! Sadly, I still have not, as the son who brought this home stated it was “a bear”. Literally that is all the label says. (Obviously a yet to be described species.) It appears to be… molting? Or shedding black fur off to one side perhaps. Again, the label offers no further information.