A sign that will promote visitors to use INaturalist

I think that there are a variety of different iNat links that people might want a QR code to (main page, explore, identify, different country portal) that iNat trying to host all the different possibilities might be confusing. It’s also just so easy to make a QR code onesself (eg, literally two clicks for any webpage in Chrome browser) that it’s quicker for users to make one themselves rather than searching for an iNat page that has one premade.


Hi all!
Thanks for all the help, I took a bit of information from everybody to create a catchy sign that will hopefully make people download the APP.
Feel free to share the sign, or just the idea behind it, or use our structure.


Hi All,

This sign was an inspiration for me to start a community service project: the Tiny Wildlife Observation Project (TWOP) to invite people to observe beneficial pollinator insects and other small creatures in urban neighborhoods such as Minneapolis, Minnesota, where there are native plantings along sidewalks. The yard sign is freely available for anyone to download on the website.

See https://www.bobpayton.com/twop


I have a badge that says “Ask me about iNaturalist!” that I wear at work and whenever I go out (It helps with the strange looks I get when I squat down randomly because I saw a bug)


Point Pelee National Park had sandwich boards at the entrance to the park and at the visitors center. I was stoked to see this! I wish all of our National Parks (and especially Alberta Provincial Parks) were promoting it at this level.


Nice work @leor ! It looks great! Will you be able to track the number of scans using the QR code on the poster? It would be really interesting to know how many people are seeing the sign and using the poster as a gateway to iNat. Best of luck!