Accidental Happiness: unexpected observations

I was going on a trail to this place called hanging lake near Glenwood Springs, Colorado when I stumbled upon a mustelid: I’m still not sure what it is but I think it’s either a Mink or a Weasel. Also, right at that spot, There was a smooth green snake. That day, I missed it but the next day I went to Black Canyon of Gunnison National Park. There, I was at the visitor center which had a few trails. Then, I saw this guy moving through the grass: So far, those are my main ones


You reminded me of this rainbow scarab that crashed into me. I had never heard of this species before so its beauty was quite unexpected. Well having a beetle crash into you is also pretty unexpected.


something similar happend to me, too
I have long hair - and caught Latipalpis plana mid air with it :joy:


Lifetime supply of Western Honeybees (Apis mellifera)? I’m used to them landing and flying away from flowers, usually before I can get a photo so it was a treat to see them by the hundreds so calmly and quietly. There was one that yo-yoed in front of me, not sure if it was trying to keep me away or thought I was a massive flower since I was wearing a bright yellow shirt.


a cow eating cochayuyo/bull-kelp Durvillaea spp at the beach, which is a kelp from the southern oceans.


Mr Yoyo was the bouncer, a guard bee fending you off?

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Yesterday, I was walking and had a few encounters. The morning I was going, my camera’s lens was jammed so I couldn’t take any photos of anything. I went that day looking for a water scorpion. I didn’t find one but at the creek, I stumbled upon 2 juvenile garter snakes, one of which was a good-looking Plains with an orange stripe. I also found an adult bullsnake in the middle of the path while walking to my next destination. Walking about another 3 minutes, I found some sort of warbler or a vireo. I found a snapping turtle in the creek that day


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