Add a line to API Docs about Personal API Tokens

There is a specific misunderstanding of the API docs that has arisen multiple times:

I would suggest on this page:

The paragraph:

Before you make any authenticated requests, you’ll need to create an iNat application. The redirect_uri should be functioning URL to which users will be redirected upon successfully authorizing your app with access to the user’s iNat data.

Should be changed to something like:

As a logged-in user, you can make authenticated requests under your own account using the API token located here. To create authenticated requests on behalf of other users, you’ll need to create an iNat application. The redirect_uri should be functioning URL to which users will be redirected upon successfully authorizing your app with access to the user’s iNat data.


Feature Requests isn’t really for rewording, it’s more for functionality, so I moved this to General.

the very top of this page tells you that these days you should use / reference a totally different page that documents a totally different / newer API, unless you need to get an OAuth access token. in the context of the older / deprecated API, this page is correct about how to make authorized requests. it would not be correct to use the JWT to make authorized requests in the old API.

so i would not make your suggested change on this page. if you want to clarify the different ways you can get a JWT, that should be done elsewhere.

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I understand your point, but that paragraph on that page is what is generating confusion. I’m sure there are other solutions, and I’m notreally invested in this, but judging by the posts on this forum (there are more that I haven’t linked) I think that there are many people who attempt to use the api for functionality that would be perfectly adequately addressed by copy and pasting their personal api token, are making the same misunderstanding, and are giving up.

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i don’t think you understand my point. the page you referenced deals with the old API, which does not utilize JWTs. if you want to talk about JWTs, you should talk about them on other pages that deal with the current API, not on the page that deals with the old API.

if people don’t understand the distinction between the two APIs, well, you don’t solve that problem by mixing them up even more by writing about JWTs on the page that deals only with the old API.

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