Add ability to see the notifications of the IDs you've made

I’ve managed to download the APK of the new app and I don’t know if it’s my Android device, but it’d be good to see the notifications of the IDs I’ve made because I don’t pay much attention to them from the website (I only use it to upload many observations or to identify). Instead, I see who’s mentioned me and those things from the app.

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The feature doesn’t exist (yet?) in the new app, I think. I haven’t been able to find it, at least. The old iOS app didn’t have it as well and it is a feature I have really been hoping for.


You can find Explore in the new app with this compass icon on the bottom toolbar, second from the left.

I was referring to this part of the notifications. This is basically what I would like to be added in the new app.

I’m sorry @maite39, I misread the title and didn’t pay enough attention to the details of your post. You’re correct that feature isn’t currently in the new app.

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No worries :)

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Just to clarify, do you mean that you want to see notifications for IDs on observations that you are following? IDing an observation means you are following it by default (unless you intentionally unfollow). Or are you looking for something else?

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This is what I mean.

Through this link you can see all your notifications such as comments and ids from posts that you id or added annotations or observations fields. This link was created by another fellow iNaturalists and I was able to get the link when reached out about the same issue. Here’s the link!

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