Add an interactive system to glean diagnostic features from identifiers and show them to observers

I’m currently building a lucidkey-style key for North American psyllids using iNat’s “Guides” interface. All 300+ species are tagged based on their distribution, host plant data, and anatomical characters such that users can select multiple criteria in the form of labeled tags to effectively narrow down the potential options. While iNat’s Guides are not perfect for this and definitely not as functional as traditional lucidkey software (ie, categories that are no longer necessary are not discarded after a user selects several other categories, no option to sort tags any way other than alphabetically, etc), I think there is something beneficial about having such a system in place on-site utilizing iNat’s wealth of images and observation data to help observers understand identification of taxa. A more dedicated system to support this kind of thing would be a very welcome addition to the site, in my opinion