But first I want to express my confidence that the crown will be defeated, that, despite this epidemic, life goes on. Take care of yourself and others.
The idea is to slightly improve the site, to modernize. There are layers on the map. When we consider points on the map, we have the ability to include additional map layers. You can make visible, for example, a GBIF layer. I don’t know how technically simple it is, I suggest adding a new layer. What exactly? Earlier, the forum discussed that it would be nice to add photos of herbarium specimens to the Inat. (https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/museum-herbarium-collection-digitisation-on-inaturalist-yes-or-no/5374) I suggest adding not a photo of the samples, but the location points on the map of the herbarium themselves. Formally speaking, in the Index Herbariorum, there is such a map, where all herbarium with Acronym are indicated (http://sweetgum.nybg.org/science/ih/map/). 3,100 herbaria. I’m talking about something like this, but about something else, I’m talking about integrating this map with the Inat map. Perhaps as a layer. Such a layer is a “herbarium”.
Probably, on this same layer should be placed not only herbariums, but also botanical gardens, natural science museums, laboratories, and other organizations related to biology. That is, such a layer of scientific institutions and collections. You can turn it off, you can turn it on. The following is curious: The first way, transfer the map with herbariums “all at once”. (I wonder if there is such a map for botanical gardens, or museums?) The second way is to enable researchers to put the point of herbarium on the Inaturalist map themselves. Create a point for this herbarium.
Moreover, the idea here is to do this in the same way as the binary name for the species is “arranged”. In this case, the words «herbarium», or «museum», it will be a genus name. Well, the species, respectively, herbarium LE, herbarium KEW, and so on. And also for museums and other organizations. All these points can be placed on a specific layer. For ID, apparently, there will be one certificate. And in the discussion of ID, you can, if desired, post some additional data: site address, emails, phones, etc.
In general, why are these layers needed? It makes sense, it’s rational, I think. When a person has taken photographs of any organisms and begins to place them on the Inat, he will see a layer of scientific institutions, see what is nearby. And, accordingly, he can, if desired and necessary, turn there.
I don’t know, as in America, or in other countries, but in Russia the vast majority of people simply don’t know at all about the existence of herbaria. And people taking pictures will see that there is such an organization nearby, and will be able to turn to specialists there. That is, this additional layer can somewhat activate and revitalize the scientific biological life. This will serve to establish new relationships. The question is how difficult it is technically to implement, to make a new layer.
As for rationality - it makes sense. Lima de Faria noted, that human civilization is based on competition. Yes, competition can be very positive. And the Inat also participates in such a tacit competition, and the proposed layer will be useful in this aspect. Looking staringly, we can say, that everything is money. This, of course, is not so. In addition to money, ideas are needed. What exactly to do with this money.
Such an offer.
Do not be sick, be healthy.