Advice on good mobile for tiny insect pics

Hi Everyone,
Im looking for some advice on what mobile could I get to take good pics...One with good lens for tiny stuff, and with a good set of clip on lens to enhance its quality... P.S.: Im brazilian and I can`t afford and Iphone, it is too expensive here…I was thinking on something like Xiaomi…
Thanks in advance…


I can’t offer any advice on phones but there was a recent thread about Macro Lenses for Smartphone Cameras which might prove useful


my current phone is old enough that hopefully you can get it at a reasonable price. I got it before I started using iNat, so I didn’t even look at its camera when buying, but it takes pretty good macro shots of medium, small, or quite small inverts.

it’s a Samsung A5 (model SM-A510F).


I was using huawei p20 pro smartphone for macros, it takes decent photos of objects around a few centimeters. However, I found this unsatisfactory and switched to Olympus TG6 camera with flash diffuser to capture smaller stuff.

There is no mobile camera that will take satisfactory macro photos. Not even an iPhone. The lenses are just too small. The one macro adapter I tried was fiddly. The previous suggestion for a dedicated camera is very good. The Olympus also comes with a macro mode which can focus stack several images.


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