I have more than 50 giant African giant snails on my terrace and there s no potential predator of them, Will they cause any harm on my terrace, If yes what can I do to control their population.
Only to the plants you have there, I read today from the ant topic that diatomaceous earth is used against molluscs too, you can try it.
Does it kill snails?
As I understood it yes, or at least won’t let them come into it.
Thank you very much I will try, Is it good to euthanize them because if I use this idea they will be spread everywhere and that’s not what I want.
For invasive species like that I doubt there’s anything bad in killing them, as long as you know for sure it’s not a native species, though myself I never could kill edible snails which are invasive here.
Yeah they are invasive here because when I put observation on inaturalist it showed,“by Anthropological means”, it means I can kill them, Don’t worry I will not make them suffer. Just quick death, because I have a plan.
Well, I know that people kill insects with injections, guess it should work on snails too.
Depending on where you live, you may be able to report them and get assistance with removing them because they can be such a threat. For instance, in FL, there is a hotline: https://www.fdacs.gov/Divisions-Offices/Plant-Industry/Pests-Diseases/Giant-African-Land-Snail
no I was thinking of crushing with brick, very fast death
Well thanks I don’t touch them and I hate them I love cockroaches more than Giant African Snail and I don’t think they will come in India,that’s why I am trying to get rid of them by collecting more and more information. Sad part is that my family thinks I don’t respect animals, and then I tell the whole story of Australian invasive rabbits but that didn’t stop them from loving them, but I will definitely win the war against army of snails and save my ecosystem.
Not completely sure, snail can still live after you step on them, so they may stay alive for some time after you do that, but you should try and see!
Crushing is apparently a bad option that causes them to release eggs. Salt water immersion seems to be recommended and is cheap:
okay I will try this then thank you
not if bicks are laid for a week ,if so then the ants scavenge them. Thanks for your concern
A quick way of killing snails is dropping them in boiling water. Just don’t bring in rosy wolf snails as predators, because that has been tried with disastrous ecological results. :)
Anyone tried them with garlic and butter ? All kidding aside what if they taste great and can be marketed as escargot ?
It could mean there’ll be more chances of invasion, at least our edible snails are here because in 70s-90s they became popular and were released.
Welcome to the forum! This has been tried. Some Pacific islands made a cannery business out of them in an attempt to reduce invasive populations. I doubt the demand was very high. You can eat pretty much all land snails, but make sure they’re fully cooked to avoid rat lungworm, which can be spread through this species in particular:
Ill-advised schemes like that are how they got introduced in so many places to begin with.