Anyone else noticing a big increase in outlandishly bad IDs?

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One way to improve the discussion is by discovering ones that are already happening. Spend time browsing the topics here before replying or starting your own.

If you’d like to continue the conversation on AI please do it elsewhere. Carrie has answered the original poster’s question on any changes made to AI by iNat so further discussion of specific feature requests can be made in “Feature Requests” or non-request posts can be made in the several other existing conversations on the topic.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Hi all, see this related feature request and staff response:

The above link lists a few related discussions. You can also use the forum search tools to find existing topics that discuss computer vision and its use of location (such as this one: Species suggestions for the wrong continent).

There are also a few answers to frequently asked questions about computer vision here:

Since the original question raised by this post seems to have been addressed, I am closing this topic.

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