Anyone know of books that could assist in IDing North American Cicadas?

Looking for in depth books or a single book on Cicadas in North America, preferably eastern, but I’ll accept the full continent, too. Something similar to Arthur V. Evans’ Beetles of Eastern North America – which is also a very helpful book.


Sorry, I don’t know of a book. I wish iNat would make a wiki listing field books and naturalist guides.

CicadaMania seems to be pretty good as an ID source.

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@dan_johnson might know of good resources. he seems to ID all my cicadas.

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The BugGuide info pages are somewhat helpful, although a bit outdated: (click the Browse tab to move to finer taxonomy)
CicadaMania is also decent as mentioned above.
This website has lots of information for Canada and the northern US (also a bit outdated):
Songs for northeastern North America:
also for eastern:
and for western:
For periodical cicadas:
This page lists a whole bunch of books but I haven’t looked more into any of them:

Here’s a key for Michigan (unfortunately the images are broken):
For parts of North Carolina:
(I’ve been working on a journal guide for Ontario so I’ve been collecting these recently)

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It depends on whether you mean an identification “guide”, but the monograph of every NA cicada is
Sanborn and Heath’s 2017

The Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea: Cicadidae) of North America North of Mexico 2nd Edition. Entomological Society of America

However this is a resource mainly for entomologists studying cicadas and just has photographs of the type specimens with no identification criteria (and you won’t get a copy for less than 200$)

Bugguide’s info pages are about as good as you’re going to get for identification purposes, especially the Neotibicen and Megatibicen pages written by Bill Reynolds. Okanagana are a work in progress because the person doing them (me) is too lazy to finish.


If you want REALLY in-depth I suggest going here:

This has links to most of the primary literature and descriptions of all NA cicadas. I use these papers in my research to identify specimens all the time. Some of the really old stuff isn’t there but most of those species were described in a few sentences.


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