API v1 vs. API v2 observation count by project not the same

I know that API v2 is still work in progress but I could not resist testing it out using this documentation https://api.inaturalist.org/v2/docs/

I ran into some issues and was not sure if it is already time to post it here, in the end I decided to post it anyway.

So I checked if the API v2 would return all the observations from that project, which it did not… the API v1 did however:

So I think the API v2 seems to have some problems when it comes to projects.

Something like observations by user seems to however work fine and give the same results:

If it is still to early for such a post about APIv2 feel free to ignore it for now.
(APIv2 promises to be a very nice tool in the future, good work!)

Yeah, work on this has been pretty slow, unfortunately, but the main goals with API are to allow client control over response size, provide better and more automated documentation, and rely more heavily on UUIDs. I don’t think it’s too early for feedback, but it’s definitely still a work in progress.

/v2/observations should currently be a plain pass-through to /v1/observations, so I’m not sure why there’s a discrepancy, but I’ll look into it.


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