API v2 feedback

" “NT” Globally** (Source: Unknown)"
After creating the taxon “Corsteropleurus chopardi”, this message came up below the taxon name on the “Taxon was successfully created” screen

I’m not sure if this is what it referred to, but for the source I had selected this:
OSF Online - Orthoptera Species File
http://orthoptera.speciesfile.org/HomePage/Orthoptera/HomePage.aspx, Added on Jan. 12, 2017 22:47:54 -0600

I got the same message after adding a name to Corsteropleurus chopardi.

I’m trying to flag an organism as not wild and it’s not working, probably because of the url… The observation is: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/141823093

Wellcome to the forum, Michelotto ** :grinning:** Looks like you did it. V2? Is it fixed then? Cheers

When editing the photos for a taxon, this helpful tip shows up:

“Tip: enter the ID of an observation in the search field if you want to choose photos from a specific observation.”

Unfortunately, this doesn’t work in v2. :-(
It does work in v1.

I experience the same issue. I hope this screen capture will be helpful

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can you expand the last message with the 500 Internal Error so that the whole message is shown? it would be helpful to see the entire API request URL.

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When adding an observation field it won’t save it. I get an alert that says unable to save at this time. If I switch to 1.0, it works fine. the field was: "Interaction->Visited flower of: " and the observation was this one: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/127229460

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Sorry, I have been busy the last few days. Here is a screenshot of the error.

Place IDs are strange. I tried it for Texas and Llano Estacado and Surrounding Areas and got this weird string of characters after “place_id=”

The activity_comment field is weird too (in the same way), but I don’t use it to find filter observations so I’m not as worried about that.

That’s the UUID for that place. You can go to the place page and append “.json” at the end to see this and other data:


Thanks! Do you know if it will go back to place ID as the default? It’s a little easier to make custom links when the place ID is displayed instead of the UUID.

Identify seems much slower at marking identified observations as reviewed compared to the other API.

Perhaps this isn’t the right thread to note this, but in the actual API V2 endpoints I am getting an error when i specify fields=all. When I specify a few fields, or RISON to fields, it works. When I specify a user_id, I get the same error.


"errorCode": "500",
"message": "Invalid response for status code 200: results/0/project_observations/0/user_id: must be integer,results/1/project_observations/0/user_id: must be integer,results/2/project_observations/0/user_id: must be integer"


If identifying too quickly (i.e., copy and paste name, add an ID, and move to the next one quickly) for about three or four observations in a row using identify, the page prevents you from adding a new identification. No such problem exists with the original API.


Entering a specific observation ID in the “Choose photos for this taxon” dialog doesn’t work with APIv2, but works fine with APIv1.

I’m not sure this is due to v2 of the API, but the park “Rancho Canada del Oro” in Santa Clara County, CA is now displaying in the app as Rancho Canada “Gold” Open Space…

I could see the banner to option to turn to v2, but can’t see the banner to opt out. Might be a bug with announcements, because when I close this (see image) it keeps appearing again

How can i opt out?

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Stop Testing” button.

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