Are There Birds in Northern California that Nest in January?

Yesterday, January 10, 2022, my granddaughter and son-in-law pointed out an active nest in an orange tree, which is in their back yard. What birds would build a nest in January?

Mourning Doves are known to nest anytime the weather allows, as are Crossbills.

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If you have the opportunity, watch the nest and see if you can get a good look at the parents. If you can get photos, post an observation on iNat. I don’t know much about birds in your area, but other people probably do.

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Blue Herons and egrets nest in winter. I think night herons May also nest in winter. They look very stately as they fly to and from the nest. I believe they usually nest near water (lakes, marshes, wetlands, and oceans)

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Great Horned Owls start nesting in January.


Eurasian Collared-Doves, Great Horned Owls, and crossbills will all be nesting in winter.


Anna’s Hummingbirds! I don’t really know anything about their nesting habits except that I saw one on a nest last January:

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Anna’s Hummingbird nest so early that they can even fledge young in December!

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That was my first thought too! They’ll start nesting here next month, I think.
EDIT I see others had the same thought. It’s generally well below -20 C at the time they start.

This search:
returns a few hundred bird observations taken in California in January that mention the word nest. Not all of those are active nests, but many are. For example, I did not know that Yellow-billed Magpies would nest build as early as January.

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