Having issue and would like some help committing first taxon merge\change
Following POWO, i decided to merge old name to new one, couldn’t make it work, see photo. what am i missing?
Looks like you want to do a swap, not a merge. They’re basically the same except that a merge has multiple (>1) input taxa while a swap only has one. Even if the output taxon already exists, as it does here, it’s still a “swap” even if that sounds wrong linguistically.
You need to change the check box to swap, as said above. Once you have done that, save the change but don’t commit it and then tag me or some other curators in a comment to make sure it looks right.
It is undesirable to do an actual merge here because you aren’t doing anything to change IDs in the target taxa, so there is no point in re-indexing them or generating notifications. Technically I think all merges can actually be written as swaps (though sometimes doing them as a merge is cleaner), and >95% of taxon changes we make are executed as swaps.
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