Automatically obscure observations marked as "human"

This just occurred to me as I was going through the Needs ID and ran across a few schoolchildren’s ‘observations’ of each other, but we should probably automatically obscure the location on ‘human’ observations, since kids have zero clues about it being a bad idea to post pics of each other that are geotagged to where they live or go to school. Even more so since the ‘subject’ of the observation is usually not the one posting the images.

I doubt it’s ever been an issue, but it’s something that would probably be best to head off before it can become one.

The only comment I have is tied into this discussions :

Human is in about the top 30 most reported species on the site, it will make a mess of maps in some cases.

Personally I’ve never understood why they are not simply deleted.


one could consider a flag for ‘likely underage individual in photo’ that would obscure or hide the photo. I’m not sure how serious an issue this is given how the entire internet and social media in general is already saturated with pictures of kids, etc. Though it isn’t the sort of content the site should have anyway. Some teachers even tell students to post with the other species in their picture, though they aren’t supposed to. it’s to keep them from ‘cheating’ i guess.


Hm, good point, I hadn’t thought of that.


Do we care if maps of Homo sapiens are messed up? Or does it affect maps of other taxa in some way I am not comprehending?

Edit: hmmm, higher parent taxa, I suppose…


I would vote for that.


Personally I’ve never understood why they are not simply deleted.

The fact that they are not really taken seriously means they are a fun way to document the “human” aspects of bioblitzes and iNat-centered get-togethers. Here are just two examples. (I feel some of this would be lost in a journal post) (that’s tiwane peeking in from the right)

Yes, they’re messy. Yes, kids mess around with the app and cause problems. But also, it can make the site more fun, more engaging, and I am not the only person who makes “human” observations during bioblitzes. I often run out of steam after uploading a couple thousand observations after one of those things, so I don’t get around to making the journal post I’d like to. Those human observations are it.

One more: (I still have that “net” in my car)


Great visual example of a shared observation!

This one is simple, just change the status of the homo-sapien taxa to endangered, which they certainly are - the most likely thing that will wipe out mankind is not a comet or plague, but mankind (peoplekind?) themselves ;-)

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Humans are automatically marked as casual, so it shouldn’t mess up the map unless you are actively looking for casual grade observations.


The annotations would have to be correct, and lots of people (both the uploaders and subsequent identifiers) don’t bother to annotate Humans.

Same, I dont see any need for it.