Best way to download large datasets

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to download all the observations uploaded to iNaturalist in my country, Portugal. The total number of records amounts to almost 600000.
I tried using to export subsets of the whole dataset (which I would then merge together), but even that is slow and probably too heavy on iNats servers.

What is the best way to download this data? I know R language, so solutions in R are also welcome. I’m not too familiar with the API but could also give it a try

Since Portugal is a member of the network, the site admins have access twice per year to an export of all of the observations from Portugal. I recommend reaching out to @luis2.

Alternatively, breaking the export down into several smaller subsets by filters (especially date and/or taxa) is recommended.


Olá João,

Tal como mencionado pela @carrieseltzer nós podemos ajudar, em casos de necessidade de grandes sets de dados.

Pode enviar-nos um mail para a explicar as suas necessidades?


@carrieseltzer thanks for reaching out, we’ll try to help the user. Sorry for replying in portuguese!



@carrieseltzer thank you very much for the suggestion!

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