I wanted to add a comment for bryozoan observations. I am not a professional bryozoan identifier but I have read up on some of the species found in Washington state and would like to say some important photo advice to add in on observations of any bryozoan species. First off, a picture of the whole bryozoan colony and to show where the settlement is attached on will help with the basic understanding of which species to include and exclude from the possible species. An example of this would be kelp lace bryozoan is the main species to be found on kelp. The next photos should be taken with a macro lens view. For phones, you can use a phone macro lens which is my preferred method of capturing these photos that take of small specimens. Make sure to have the clear view of the individual borders of the individual bryozoans. This helps with identifying the species with their own unique patterns, such as the kelp lace bryozoan which is my only and primary subject as in writing this post and is easily confused with other white patterned bryozoan without the macro view of the colony pattern. I hope this will help with making your bryozoan observations posts to be more accurate and specific as much as possible.
You might consider making a journal entry of your photo tips and linking it to some of your observations. That way, iNatters who aren’t involved in the Forum are more likely to see it, and it will be a bit more targeted toward people who observe bryzoans. It’s always nice to stumble across useful links like that when browsing or identifying observations.
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